ABOUT: This event is one of San Antonio’s largest and very popular annual tournaments, taking place over Memorial Day weekend. Top performing teams earn bids to attend the 2022 National Travel Basketball Association (NTBA) Championships in Myrtle Beach, SC. The San Antonio multi-day tournament is NTBA-sanctioned and includes gender and grade-based divisions. Alamo City All-Stars, the NTBA-Texas State Headquarters, is San Antonio’s oldest, privately-owned company for hosting competitive, Club-level basketball tournaments and leagues. This is a 3-Game Guarantee event, with at least two Pool games, followed by a single-elimination bracket competition.
WHEN: Some teams may start playing Pool games Friday evening; all teams will play on Saturday/Sunday.
WHO: Boys and Girls teams in Grades 2nd through Varsity
COST: Per Team = $250 (non-NTBA member) or $225 (NTBA member)
DEADLINE: Monday, May 16
***IMPORTANT INFORMATION*** Every team is required to turn-in a completed Team Roster Form upon arrival at the venue at least 30 minutes prior to the first game. Coaches should be prepared to verify provided player eligibility information with a copy of a school record and./or birth certificate.
An event coordinator will certify each Roster Form, make a copy and return the original Form to the Coach who will present the certified form to the Scorer’s Table prior to each game. Only those players listed on the Roster Form will be allowed to play in games without a team potentially forfeiting a game. DO NOT LOSE YOUR TEAM ROSTER FORM.? ??
Also, take the time to read the Rules and Admission documentation as well as How to Qualify for NTBA Nationals.
Traveling to attend this upcoming tournament? We’ve got you covered. We have partnered with Travel 2 Give Sports travel agency to come up with a list of team friendly hotels to provide specially negotiated rates and favorable cancellation policies for team participants. Click the button for a list of affordable hotels in our area.