ABOUT: ACA is offers skills clinics Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays year-round. Athletes train specific skills each session and can be modified depending on the attendance each day. Each session focuses on individual skill improvement; no game play unless it is open gym.
WHEN: Various times between 6:00 PM to 10 PM, Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
WHO: Individuals in Grades 3 – 11 (9 to 17 years old)
COST: $175 for membership (10 – $20 Clinics for Non-STVA Club Players) (20 – $20 Clinics for STVA Club Players).
If attending multiple clinics in a day there is a discount. Attend 1 clinic for $20. Attend 2 clinics it is $30 and attend 3 clinics it is $40.
DEADLINE: This is year-round. When you run out of clinics on your membership card just renew to continue!